Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on Pre and Postnatal Care for the Amish - 950 Words

Prenatal Amish view pregnancy and childbirth as normal biological functions of the female body, however; due to their cultural beliefs they will not seek out prenatal care until late in their pregnancy, if no problems arise. Women who are primiparous, giving birth for the first time, will generally seek prenatal care at around four months, while those who are multiparous, those who have given birth multiple times, generally seek prenatal care during the third trimester. Amish women typically do not outright reject the use of modern medical technology and practices if it can assist in the pregnancy, however; they must determine which practices coincide with their cultural and spiritual belief system. Many Amish women will seek the advice†¦show more content†¦Nearly all furniture for the birthing center, such as: bed frames, bassinets, tables, cabinets, etc. is made from Amish craftsmen from within the community (Showalter, 2000). Labor and childbirth are a private matter to Amish families with only the mother, father, and few midwives attending. The role of the husband is one of support and gentle aid when applicable. The husband rubs the back and shoulders of his wife, holds her hand, cools her with a hand fan, and provides words of comfort. Labor and childbirth for Amish women is very quiet and, on average, shorter when compared to the labor and childbirths of other women; this could be a testament to the strong-willed convictions of the Amish women’s cultural beliefs that aids them in this traumatic process (Showalter, 2000). Postpartum Post Partum care is generally short as the mother and infant are taken care of by the nurse midwife at the birthing center for 24 hours after the birth. In birthing centers, all postpartum care is administered in the patient’s room where the child was also given birth (Fisher 1996). After the child is born, the mother is always eager to begin breastfeeding. A few hours after the birth, when the mother is able, family members and close friends come bearing food and gifts for the mother and child. Gifts of natural herbal remedies and teas are also given to the mother to aid her health. The birth of children is very common in Amish communities with women bearing, on average,

Saturday, December 21, 2019

William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay - 870 Words

William Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet play a very important role in this play. Basically the whole play revolves around him. In this play Hamlet is faced with the obligation to kill Claudius because Claudius has killed his father. Some people see Hamlet as a tragic hero with a clear and sacred obligation to kill Claudius but since he is scared to kill him and has many other things going on in his life, he is unable to kill Claudius right away. Throughout the entire play Hamlet procrastinates on killing Claudius. Why does Hamlet procrastinate for so long to revenge his fathers death? Shakespeare purposely makes Hamlet out to be a procrastinator for one very important reason, if Hamlet would have quickly†¦show more content†¦Hamlet seems to say what he wants to do but not carry it out. In his own words, . . .the native hue of resolution Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought.(III.i.84-85) Here it shows that when Hamlet thinks he has finally made a decision, thinking about it causes him to change his mind or simply put it off. One time in the play Hamlet has the opportunity to kill Claudius and achieve his revenge is when Claudius is confessing his sins. Here, Hamlet does not kill him because if Claudius were to die right then, he would have gone to heaven. This is something that Hamlet does not want to see happen. Of course, there are also moral issues standing in the way, which prevent Hamlet from immediately acting upon the Ghosts orders. Hamlet always finds a way out of what he was about to do because he ends up thinking about it for too long. When is seems like Hamlet finally makes a decision, he quickly finds a reason to find fault in his decision. This makes him become a person who is has a purpose, but doesnt have the quality required to accomplish that purpose. Most of these issues are simply due to Hamlets reading in to morals too much. When Hamlet sees how promptly Polonius acted towards the death of his father in scene II, he quickly denounces himself as a coward and cries out forShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet981 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeare is a historic writer that is well known and wrote many plays in his lifetime. In most of his plays, if not all, he has incorporated hidden meanings and messages. The majority of his hidden meanings are controversial topics of his time period. In Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the controversial topic that is throughout the play is religion and the afterlife. Afterlife plays a big role in Hamlet and is discussed throughout the play. Multiple a uthors have written on the topic of afterlifeRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet964 Words   |  4 Pagesunsatisfactory situation. In William Shakespeares Hamlet, a characters inability to overcome their weakness due to it being emphasized by their unfortunate circumstance results in their tragic downfall. This is illustrated through Hamlets over thinking, Claudiuss ambition, and Gertrudes naive persona. Hamlets character is one that is very thoughtful and conscious, however some view these qualities as procrastination and over thinking. Even Hamlet himself acknowledges this inRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet745 Words   |  3 PagesIn William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Hamlet is a unique character due to his unpredictability. He is attempting to discover the truth in a way that no other character of Shakespeare’s has done. We find Hamlet in a state of deep melancholy due to the death of his father, as well as the very sudden and lewd marriage of his uncle and his mother. Hamlet is inspired by the player giving the speech about Hecuba witnessing the massacre of her husband, Priam. He goes off on his own, and he is bewilderedRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1482 Words   |  6 PagesIn one of William Shakespeare’s most notorious plays, Hamlet, Shakespeare uses multiple scenes filled with drama to add a certain extreme dimension to the play. In a story filled with drama, such as Hamlet, an author attempts to use intense dialogue and actions in order to invoke personal emotions and feelings in the hearts of the audience. Shakespeare attempted to have the audience feel the pain that Hamlet experienced, sense the feelings of revenge that were deep in the heart of the prince, andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1308 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, has deep meaning and sorrow to its story. It has one of the most famous soliloquies ever to be written in theater art, â€Å"To be, or not to be.† At first, reading Shakespeare’s writing seems difficult to understand and be interested in, but as the reader reads on and digs into the roots of the play, it truly grabs the reader’s attention and makes him/her want to know more of the thoughts behind Hamlet. Thus, the story of Hamlet begins and his personality shows throughoutRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet 2214 Words   |   9 PagesMadness within: Bipolar William Shakespeare had the uncanny ability to read people then put into words how individuals reacted with one another. His most known playwright is â€Å"Hamlet†. Hamlet leads the opening of the play with grandeur; but, when his father’s ghost of comes to visit him telling of Hamlet’s uncle Claudius killed him. Hamlet schemes a plan pursuing revenge. Hamlet demonstrates depression exceptionally, in the presence of his mother and Uncle Claudius. Shakespeare’s character likely labeledRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Essay751 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet might well claim to be Shakespeares most famous play because of its language and the charm of its central character. Shakespeare wrote some thirty-eight plays. Taken individuallyRead More William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay1277 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet Hamlet has been praised and revered for centuries as one of William Shakespeares best known and most popular tragedies. Based on its popularity, critics alike have taken various viewpoints and theories in order to explain Hamlets actions throughout the play. The psychoanalytic point of view is one of the most famous positions taken on Hamlet.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychoanalytic criticism is a type of literary criticism that analyzes and classifies many of the forms ofRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet1172 Words   |  5 PagesHamlet is a complex story that uses many literary devices to help develop the characters in Hamlet. One dominant device is irony. The main plot of the story revolves around irony. Hamlet is a witty character and loves to use irony. Hamlet’s use of irony displays how he insults people, discovers useful information, and reveals his true character. The use of irony in this story helps to add depth to each character, which is why Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most complex stories. There are three typesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet710 Words   |  3 PagesIn Shakespeares tragedy Hamlet are very few female characters that is caused by the story - the son must avenge his fathers killer , the mother s uncle . Nevertheless images of Gertrude , Queen of the Danish and Ophelia , daughter of royal adviser Polonius , played in the tragedy very important role . In these two images are not simply embodied many typical female character traits - as worthy , and not so . In the process of communication with these women reveal deeper characters of Hamlet and

Friday, December 13, 2019

William Blake’s Songs of Innocence Free Essays

Flake’s use of the pastoral in Songs of Innocence and Experience Put simply, Flake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience Juxtapose the innocent pastoral world of childhood against an adult world of corruption and repression. The collection as a whole, by meaner of paired poems in Innocence and Experience (The Lamb, The Tiger; The Echoing Green, The Garden of Love/London; The Nurse’s Song (l and E); Introduction (l and E); The Chimney sweeper (l and E), etc) explores the value and limitations of two different perspectives of the world. The same situation or problem is seen through the eyes or perspective of Innocence first, then Experience. We will write a custom essay sample on William Blake’s Songs of Innocence or any similar topic only for you Order Now Blake stands outside Innocence and Experience, in a distanced position from which he recognizes and attempts to correct the fallacies of both perspectives. He uses the pastoral, in many songs, to attack oppressive and destructive authority (Church, King, parent’s, adult figures), restrictive morality, sexual repression, established religion – the Established Church, social inequality, militarism. The pastoral is a literary style that presents an idealism and artificial picture of rural life, the naturalness and innocence of which is seen in contrast with the corruption and artificiality of city and court. The pastoral is often seen as a nostalgic looking back at a lost paradise, a lost Eden, a lost Golden Age. However, Blake does something different with the pastoral. Firstly, he rejects the nostalgia of the ideal in order to show the real human condition. He does this by opposing pastoral ideal and urban reality both within the single states of Innocence and Experience and between the two states. (For example – ‘Introduction’ of Innocence, ‘The Shepherd’). Secondly, he radically redefines the relation of the pastoral to the city because the Songs as a volume could be said to take place in the city. Blake frames the obviously pastoral scenes within an urban setting in a way that breaks down the conventional city/ country dichotomy – and his criticism is aimed at not merely social problems, but the source of these problems – a limited way of seeing. Within Innocence, Blake takes us into the frame, or confinement of the pastoral space and explores inner tensions, exposing and attacking social problems. For example, in ‘The Little Girl Lost’ of Innocence, the pastoral setting is that of ‘a desert wild’ that becomes ‘a garden mild’. The reference is the biblical image in Isaiah 35 of an ideal mime in which the ‘desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose’. Lacy, the innocent child, lives ‘In the southern clime’/Where the summer’s prime/Never fades away (distinctly pastoral! ). She ‘had wandered oleomargarine the wild birds’ song. Blake brings in a contrast between Local’s trust and her parent’s’ fear (that she is lost and will come to harm). For Lacy, there is no cause for distress, except consideration of her mother’s feelings (if my mother sleeplessly shall not weep’). The other side of the conflict is the parent’s’ fear and concern: As far as they are concerned, there is nowhere safe; (Where can Lacy sleep? . Their concern becomes more and more self- centered, until it becomes emotional blackmail (oho can Lacy sleep,/elf her mother weep? ). A moral prescription is then introduced – Lacy ought to be worried – and we notice that this is Justified only by the mother’s distress, not by any real danger. By meaner of the command, ‘Then let Lacy wake’, Blake shows how fear turns into tyranny. The parent’s’ fear of nature has made them unreasonable – They command their daughter to be unhappy, simply because they are. Stanza 8 resolves the conflict as Local’s surroundings become transformed – the desert is ‘bright’. Local’s positive perception dominates the rest of the poem – The imperative, ‘Let’ in the line, ‘Let thy moon arise’, underlines her opposition to her parent’s. The pivotal word, ‘bright’ stands between Local’s and her parent’s’ attitudes to nature (for the parent’s, it is a dark, unknown world of fear; for Lacy, it is safe and bright. ) The lion licks Local’s bosom and the lioness ‘Loosed her slender dress’. The dress is a symbol of her parent’s’ upbringing, which Local’s perception can cast off. She is naked, so shame is removed (a reference to Adam and Eve’s nakedness in the Garden of Eden). In the ext poem, ‘The Little Girl Found’, the lion’s masculinity, his mane, was what frightened the parent’s (soon his heavy man/Bore them to the ground’). So, the poem conveys the need for sexual freedom, natural energy, sexual energy, feared by Local’s parent’s. (In ‘The Little Girl Found’, the parent’s’ perception of the lion as fearful is transformed -then they followed/Where the vision led’- by meaner of transforming their vision, their perspective, the parent’s’ fear disappears (nor fear the wolfish howl,/Nor the lion’s growl’). Within the pastoral frame of the Garden of Eden, Blake explores inner tensions, exposing and attacking social problems. (In The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, which Blake wrote between the two parts of the Songs, he stresses that man’s instincts are not fallen (sinful from the moment of birth) and therefore to follow the instinctive desire for love and pleasure cannot be wrong: The soul of sweet delight can never be defiled. On the contrary, it is the thwarting of desire that leads to corruption and a warping of the personality: Sooner murder an infant in its cradle than nurse enacted desires. The conventional goodness of Flake’s time, therefore, is Just a passive failure o act out desire and is not something to be admired, unlike evil which is evidence of positive energy:. Good is the passive that obeys reason. Evil is the active springing from energy and Energy is eternal delight. So, in the volume of Songs of Innocence and Experience, the tensions, oppositions or conflicts are within the frames of a song, as well as between the two contrary worlds of Innocence and Experience. The Songs not only Juxtapose pastoral ideal with urban reality (echoing Greenwood’s’; ‘Echoing Green/’The Garden of Love’), but within the single state of Innocence, pastoral images are Juxtaposed with a flawed urban society. The oppositions also exist within the single states of Innocence and Experience. The Songs of Innocence begins with a clearly pastoral ‘Introduction’ followed by ‘The Shepherd’, ‘The Echoing Green’ and, of course, ‘The Lamb'(in Flake’s final order of the Songs). These songs show pastoral harmony between humans and nature. However, we are led out of (or in and out of, depending on the order of Songs), pastoral and into a disturbing world of social difference and injustice through such lyrics as ‘The Little Black Boy, ‘The Chimney Sweeper'(l). Yet even these songs eave a pastoral element. Tom Decree, in ‘The Chimney Sweeper’, is identified with the lamb of pastoral and of innocence through his hair, That curled like a lamb’s back. The black boys mother describes his body as a ‘shady grove’ that enables the soul to bear the beams of love’, identifying the time on earth as a ‘little space’, akin to a pastoral retreat, rather than a time of preparation labor. The pastoral narratives in both poems seek to free the boys from the stigma of their blackness, but ironically that freedom, in the form of a pastoral paradise, is attainable only after death. In ‘The Chimney Sweeper'(l), an angel ‘opened the coffins and set them all free. /Then down a green plain leaping, laughing they run,/And wash in a river and shine in the sun’. In ‘The Little Black Boy, God’s voice will call: ‘Come out from the grove my love and care,] And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice’. Only in death will the white boy be taught to reject his ignorant racist views: ‘And then I’ll stand and stroke his silver hair/And be like him, and he will then love me’. So, Blake uses the pastoral to attack social evils and injustice, but also exposes the limits and inadequacies of the pastoral ideal. He transcends the pastoral to show the limits of pastoral innocence; to criticism the human condition; and to show a new vision. He does this by rejecting the nostalgia of the ideal to show the real condition – by opposing the pastoral ideal with urban reality. The dual presence of town and country, idealization and realism, celebration and regret provides the tension that is fundamental to the pastoral space. The pastoral’s critical function is based upon the writer’s handling of internal tensions between oppositions. Flake’s objective in Songs of Innocence and Experience is to show the wow contrary states of the human soul’. He shows that we create our worlds by meaner of our perception of it. (Milton: ‘A mind is its own place, and in itself/Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven’ Paradise Lost). Our world is ‘Innocent’ – loving, meek and mild, delightful, protected, gentle – if we perceive its creator as loving, caring and protective. But there are limits to this vision; we are vulnerable because we are ignorant of the dangers and threats that exist. The world of Experience is one that is dark, authoritative, oppressive, uncaring and repressive of enjoyment. We see ourselves imprisoned in this despair if we perceive its creator as oppressive, cruel, punitive and Judgmental – and if we perceive ourselves as imprisoned in Original Sin. The two worlds opposed are those of childhood innocence and adult experience. He uses iconic pastoral images (piper and muse, shepherds, rural idyll, innocence of childhood, the Garden of Eden, gardens and greens, lambs, pathetic fallacy) and pastoral states (harmony, Joy, protection, care, love) and opposes these to urban images and states of adult authority and cruelty, state and church repression and authority, dishonest and destructive emotions. Blake sets up oppositions, in the frames of the poems (as artistic creations) between Innocence and Experience and within Innocence and Experience. Blake provides (in Songs of Innocence) pastoral images, but shows the limits of pastoral innocence. In Songs of Experience, he writes in anti-pastoral mode and uses pastoral images to show the destruction of innocence, as well as ways to regain innocence in a vision of a New World. Discussion of ‘putting the complex into the simple’: Approaches – discussion of ‘The Lamb’ and ‘The Tiger’, pages 91 – 101 Songs of Innocence and Experience can be regarded as anti-pastoral: Blake exposes he limitations of a comfortable image of pastoral innocence by 1) redefining the relationship between city and country (Russ in rube – the country in the city); 2) he uses the pastoral as a frame to expose social injustice and human suffering; 3) he uses pastoral images to show true innocence, then subverts these, both in Innocence and Experience, to expose the dark world of adult authority and repression. Blake use pastoral, not to show the contrast between rural and urban, but to expose the injustices of the human condition. Blake was a poet of the city, of London, and his pastoral setting is in the greens, parks and gardens of London. How to cite William Blake’s Songs of Innocence, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Fdr And The Great Depression Essay Example For Students

Fdr And The Great Depression Essay Critque the efficiency of of FDRs administration at alleviating the suffering of the great DepressionFDR truely tried to help the people and wanted to make a change. He was mostly successfull with his New Deal Program. Each Program helped a different part of the the country and its people. Focusing only on some programs which were in the long list of programs in the New Deal program, it shows that it helped. The FHA or better known as the Federal Housing Administration helped people at that time who were in a middle class position and wanted to build or buy a new home in a secure manner. The adminstration was formed to insure long-term home mortgages and offered benefits to both middle class home buyers and lending institutions from which the borrowed their money to pay for the house. It guaranteed that loans would be secured by banks. This helped the housing idustry so much, causing new homes to be built and vacant ones to be inhabitted once again. Keeping this in mind there no question if it was beneficial. Building new homes also helps the wood, paint and tool industry.Skilled workers are needed, and unemployment goes down. This also helped the economy, the people and the lending institutions in the long-run. The FHA was incorporated into the new Deapartment of Housing and Urban Development also known as HUD. The Office continued its role as mortgage guarantor and widened it area of responsibilty to include mortgages lent to the owners of multifamily dwellings and to public housing authorities as well as individual homeowners.Focusing now on another program called the SSA also called the Social Security Administration. This program is the most known program from the New Deal program today. And we know that is was without question successfull. It secured peoples earned money so when they retire they still get money and dont starve.It not only helps the people but also helps the government. The government takes the money and invests it in secure investments or works with it in a different way and gets money from the intrest of the money that the government doesnt owe.Today the government has many problems with the social security but inspite that this program is now 62 years old, and it must have been successfull to be still in action

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Diary of a wimpy kid Essay Example

Diary of a wimpy kid Essay Diary of a wimpy kid BY Gatorb0Y243 Diary of a Wimpy kid: The Last Straw by Jeff Kinney is the 3rd book in the series Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Ive read all of the books in the series now. To be honest, I understand why kids are drawn to them but as an adult reading them all back to back they got a bit old. As Ive shared in my reviews of the other books in the series, this is one of my sons favorite book series. My son AJ who is 10, was so happy that I read the first book and when I finished it, he lined up book 2 and 3 in the series on y nightstand. It was nice to know what he was reading and talk about the books with him. Ill definitely do this again with other books and of course, I will read the 4th book in the Wimpy Kid series which according to the Wimpy Kid website, it will be out on October 12, 2009. My son will be sure to mark the calendar for that one. This book, continues the story of Gregory, a middle schooler who started writing a diary one summer when his mother bought him one. Hes continued writing his stories and complementing them with comics. The comics definitely add a lighter, fun feel to the book and kids seem to love this part. Gregory continues to get himself into embarrassing situations and learns lessons the hard way. This book starts off on New Years Day where he tries to help other people improve and then it ends at the start of summer vacation. His father seems to be a bit disappointed in his sons and the antics they get into. He decides that they need to learn how to be men and threatens to send Gregory to military school. We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a wimpy kid specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a wimpy kid specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a wimpy kid specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Gregory ends up doing all he can to bond with his father and of course, ends up in many precarious situations and not at all what he intended in the first place. The book also details ways that Greg tries to get along with his brothers, his attempts to impress a girl named Holly in his class, and how Greg attempts to get through being placed on a soccer team he doesnt like. Its obvious in the book that Greg is doing all he can as a kid to get through life. He tends to be self centered and socially awkward and kids can definitely relate to that s well as the theme that grown ups really dont get it. I think that is a universal rule in childhood Kids dont think that their parents or any grown ups get it! The reading level for these books are ages 9-12 but they are fun for adults to read as well. These are great books for boys and girls, well read and reluctant readers as it will draw them in through humor and the comics. According to the author, Jeff Kinneys website, the series started off as a web comic online at Funbrain. com . This book mentions at the end that Jeff Kinney is also the creator of Diary of a Wimpy Kid Essay Example Diary of a Wimpy Kid Essay Heffleydiary of a wimpy kid greg is going to middle school, his mom bought him a Diary witch has the word Diary right in the middle and is in big letters. he is scared to bring it to school because he does not want some 8th grader to come see him with his bookdiary and think he is a sissy cause he has a diary in 6th grade and does not want to get punched and then get made fun of. regs big dream and what he thinks he is going to be like in middle school is this guy who so popular and EVERY-ONE knows him, and then when he gets out of school, he is going to be really famous and when they want to know what his child-houd was like he is going to give them his diary, thats why he aggred to his mom to write in his diary. greg is spoused to write in almost all year. Greg is not really excited because A guy named Greg has a friend named Rowley and has been friends since Greg has moved to his new house. As soon as Rowley sees that a family has moved into the house, that was for sail, Rowleys mom went to the store and bought him a book called how to make friends and i kind of felt sorry for him so i puled my wig for him. that how there friend ship started. there friends ship is a little weard at first. , Greg it this guy how thinks he is all that and thinks he is so popular. nd when he is older, he thinks he is going to be really famous. rowley still thinks hey i am only in 6th grade, i can still be a kid and use the word PLAYYYY greg heffley the book diary of a wimpy kid [ people think this book is just a funny book but what i think is ] i think that if you have a really good friendship, and one of the friends said or did something heart-full, it can mess the whole thing up. : if you use your friend to make you a better person it can always turn back around just like when greg mad e rowley go down the BIG hill so Greg can throw a foot-ball at Rowley and so Greg can get a lot stronger. 2: when you have a really good friend you want to keep for a long time or a life time friend, you should ALWAYS be nice to them and respect them. 3: if you have a friend that did something embercasing or axudentley Diary of a wimpy kid greg is going to middle school, his mom bought him a Diary witch has the word Diary right in the middle and is in big letters. e is scared to bring it to school because he does not want some 8th grader to come see him with his bookdiary and think he is a sissy cause he has a diary in 6th grade and does not want to get punched and then get made fun of. gregs big dream and what he thinks he is going to be like in middle school is this guy who so popular and EVERY-ONE knows him, and then when he gets out of school, he is going to be really famous and when they want to know what his child-houd was like he is going to give them his diary, thats why he aggred to his mom to write in his diary. reg is spoused to write in almost all year. Greg is not really excited because A guy named Greg has a friend named Rowley and has been friends since Greg has moved to his new house. We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a Wimpy Kid specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a Wimpy Kid specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Diary of a Wimpy Kid specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer As soon as Rowley sees that a family has moved into the house, that was for sail, Rowleys mom went to the store and bought him a book called how to make friends and i kind of felt sorry for him so i puled my wig for him. that how there friend ship started. there friends ship is a little weard at first. Greg it this guy how thinks he is all that and thinks he is so popular. and when he is older, he thinks he is going to be really famous. rowley still thinks hey i am only in 6th grade, i can still be a kid and use the word PLAYYYY greg heffley the book diary of a wimpy kid [ people think this book is just a funny book but what i think is ] i think that if you have a really good friendship, and one of the friends said or did something heart-full, it can mess the whole thing up. : if you use your friend to make you a better person it can always turn back around just like when greg made rowley go down the BIG hill so Greg can throw a foot-ball at Rowley and so Greg can get a lot stronger . 2: when you have a really good friend you want to keep for a long time or a life time friend, you should ALWAYS be nice to them and respect them. 3: if you have a friend that did something embercasing or axudentley

Monday, November 25, 2019

ACT Percentiles and Score Rankings

ACT Percentiles and Score Rankings SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips What’s the difference between a good ACT score and a great ACT score? One way colleges make that distinction is by looking at ACT score percentiles. ACT score percentiles help colleges compare students with one another, rather than just looking at everyone’s individual score. Learn more about your ACT score percentile so you can maximize both your study time and admission chances. Then, find out your current score percentile using our detailed charts. What’s an ACT Percentile Ranking? Your percentile ranking is a comparison of your ACT score with everyone else who took the test. Specifically, your percentile tells you how many people you scored higher than. The ACT will give you a percentile ranking for your composite score as well as for your four subject-area scores. (For more on how the ACT is scored and how your composite is calculated, check out our guide.) Your ACT score percentile is not like a grade out of 100;rather, it’s a comparison between you and other students. For example, if you get in the 70th percentile, this means you scored higher than 70% of test takers. It doesn’t mean you got exactly 70% of the test questions correct. (In fact, the ACT is tricky enough that if you got about 70% of the questions right, your ranking would be closer to the 75th percentile.) What Are the Current ACT Score Percentiles? Now that you know about percentile rankings, it’s helpful to know what the ACT percentiles actually are, both for composite scores and individual section scores. You can use the following chart to find percentile rankings for your overall ACT composite score and for each section (English, Math, Reading, and Science). To find your percentile, first find your score between 1 and 36 on the left-hand side, and then slide over to the correct subject area or composite to see your percentile ranking. For example, a composite score of 30 has a 93rdpercentile ranking, but a Reading section score of 30 has an 87thpercentile ranking. Here's the most recent ACT percentile data from 2018: Score English Math Reading Science Composite Score 36 100 100 100 100 100 36 35 99 99 99 99 99 35 34 96 99 97 98 99 34 33 94 98 94 97 98 33 32 93 97 92 96 96 32 31 91 96 89 95 95 31 30 90 95 87 94 93 30 29 88 93 94 92 91 29 28 86 91 82 90 88 28 27 84 88 80 88 85 27 26 82 83 77 86 82 26 25 79 78 74 82 78 25 24 75 73 70 77 74 24 23 70 68 66 71 69 23 22 64 63 60 64 64 22 21 59 59 54 57 58 21 20 53 55 49 50 52 20 19 48 51 43 44 46 19 18 44 46 38 37 40 18 17 40 38 33 30 34 17 16 36 29 28 25 27 16 15 30 18 22 18 21 15 14 24 8 18 14 15 14 13 18 3 13 10 9 13 12 14 1 9 6 4 12 1 5 4 1 10 6 1 3 2 1 10 9 3 1 1 1 1 9 8 1 1 1 1 1 8 7 1 1 1 1 1 7 6 1 1 1 1 1 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Did you know an improvement of 4 points on the ACT will revolutionize your chances of getting into your dream school? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. One important thing to note is thatthere's really no difference in percentiles at the highest and lowest score ranges. At the upper end, anything higher than a 34 composite score is in the 99th-100thpercentiles. Similarly, at the lower end, any composite score between 1 and 8 is in the 1stpercentile. However, things change quickly in the middle. For example, a 3-point jump from 17 to 20 raises your percentile from the 34th to the 52nd- or, from below average to average. To take another example, a 3-point jump from 26 to 29 takes you from the 82ndpercentile to the 91stpercentile. Getting into the 91st percentile is fantastic because it puts you in the top 10% of all test takers. What all of this means is that if you get a lower or middle-range composite score, raising it by just a few points can have a dramatic effect on your percentile ranking and thus your college admission chances. In addition, unless you're shooting for the most elite schools, if you get a 34 composite or higher, you probably shouldn't worry about having toretake the ACT. What About ACT Subscore Percentiles? ACT subscores give you more detail about your performance on the ACT and what specific areas you can improve on. However, as of late 2016,ACT, Inc.,no longer releases public information about percentile ranks for ACT subscores,so the only place you can get information about your performance on subscores compared with other test takers is your own ACT score report. If you haven't taken the ACT and are curious, you can take a look at this sample score reportfor the 2017-18 testing year. Note thatcolleges likely will not look too closely (if at all) at your subscores. When it comes to the ACT, your overall composite score is most important.It's the number most colleges use when reporting admitted student score ranges, and the scoremost often used to determine scholarship recipients. Ultimately, subscores can be used to give more context about your performance, but they're not be-all and end-all numbers. Does My ACT Percentile Actually Matter? Percentile rankings are important because they help colleges compare your ACT performance with those of other test takers. But the ACT score ranges for the colleges you're applying to are far more important than your overall percentile ranking. Colleges have average ACT score ranges for admitted students that usually don’t change drastically from year to year, and they rely on these ranges when making admissions decisions. This range is the middle 50%, or the 25th and 75th percentile scores,of admitted applicants. To find ACT score ranges for a college, search "[School Name] ACT scores PrepScholar." By doing this for all of the colleges you want to apply to, you can come up with a target ACT score. Your goal score will then be equal to the highest 75th percentile score for your schools. The goal is to get a higher than average ACT score for your dream college. Though your target score is most important, ACT percentiles can help you interpret your own scores better. For example, say you got a 30 on Math (95thpercentile) and a 24 on English (75thpercentile). Without percentile data, it would be hard to say exactly how much better you did on Math than on English.But with rankings, you can see that your Math score is excellent and your English score, while strong, could be improved- a 3-point jump to 27 could net you an 84th percentile score. To sum up, percentiles are a very helpful tool, both for college admissions officers looking at your application and for you in your own studying. But rather than obsessing over your ranking, aim for a score that is competitive for the colleges you want to go- this willgive you your best shot at getting into your dream school! What’s Next? Now that you know about the importance of percentiles, learn more about the average ACT score and come up with your own personal target score. Dreaming big? Find out what ACT scores you need to get into the Ivy League. And if you’re aiming for perfection, check out our guide to a perfect 36, writtenby our resident full scorer. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically. Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Halle Edwards About the Author Halle Edwards graduated from Stanford University with honors. In high school, she earned 99th percentile ACT scores as well as 99th percentile scores on SAT subject tests. She also took nine AP classes, earning a perfect score of 5 on seven AP tests. As a graduate of a large public high school who tackled the college admission process largely on her own, she is passionate about helping high school students from different backgrounds get the knowledge they need to be successful in the college admissions process. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Comparison of the Religions of India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

A Comparison of the Religions of India - Essay Example e in these countries mainly practice the four eastern religions; Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism and Jainism all tracing their roots in India (Sudheer, 2014). To understand how the religions have influenced the cultures of these countries it is necessary to look at their characteristics, similarities and their differences. Buddhism is believed to have originated from North India in the fifth century. Their main texts are the three pitakas. The Buddhists believe in a supreme being referred to as the Buddha. They also believe that the suffering experienced by the people is always as a result of the desire held by the people. Hinduism on the other hand is believed to have originated from the Indus valley. Their main texts are collectively referred to as the Veda. Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses. Hinduism is therefore a polytheistic religion. The Hindus believe in re-birth after death which is facilitated by one dying in a holy place. All Hindis are also expected to strictly follow and observe the caste system and to go for cleansing annually (Sudheer, 2014). Sikhism started in the sixteenth century in India. This religion is believed to have originated from Guru Nanak. The main text that is used by the Sikhs is the Guru Granth Sahib. As opposed to the Hindus, Sikhs always believe in a supreme God who is believed to be an immortal creator. The believers and the followers of the Sikhism religion believe that the good life always achieves unity with God. Sikhs Like the Hindus believe in reincarnation which is also the re-birth after death. Jainism which is another main religion in India is seen as a group of Hindis that broke away from Hinduism in the sixteenth century. The Jains view the earth as a place full of misery. This is the sole reason as to why most Jains are either nuns or monks as a way of seeking their personal liberation (Sudheer, 2014). The four religions share many common similarities and the characteristics. One of the similar characteristic is

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is behind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

What is behind - Essay Example More and more commercial establishment and marketing institutions are using the web in their businesses. An evolution in the business world occurs with the advancement of the internet technology. Website development was undertaken and become a part of the organisation's activities. From the survey conducted on the several organisations, 34% of them are using the web in their business activities. In the total number of respondents, 27% are using the web in purchasing while 13% are selling their products and the remaining 6% are doing both buying and selling (The Banner Survey, 2000). Companies are maximizing benefits brought about by the internet. Based on studies, the advantageous factors of doing business in the net encourage most businesses to develop their virtual operation. This mainly involves the maintenance of business transactions in the net and developing a virtual interface for the business. The benefits of e-business or business on the web include increased speed of feedback from the consumers. The interaction is in real time wherein the company can immediately answer the questions on the consumers through online information. This is due to the enhancement of technology exchange and improvement in communication which are other benefits of having a business online. This kind of operation decreases the company's operational cost and the requirement for inventory is reduced. The efficiency and productivity of the services were also improved due to standardisation of organisational procedures, thus, improvement in the services offered which ultimately inc reases customers and profits (Henbury, 2001). The Organisation on Focus is a company that operates online business. The ten year old company was developed by Jeff Bezos in July 1994 and was launched on July 1995. More than 9,000 are employed by the company and cater to about 49 million accounts of active consumers. From its main office in Seattle, Washington in the United States, it expanded into different countries worldwide such as United Kingdom, Germany, France, Japan, Canada, and China. The company offers products and services online that answers the needs of the consumers (, 2006f). The main business strategy is to introduce the company and the products in the most marketable way possible through the website. It is an online presentation of the objectives of the organisation and services that it provides. The visual presentation of the services offered is organised with certain features such as the 1 click technology for consumers' ease in choosing items and ordering. Every category of products has a link wherein more choices are presented. The consumers can also have their own accounts that can keep tract of the purchases made. Other details such as online payment procedure and shipping are also available, thus, once the consumer is ready, order can be placed and be delivered at a specified date (, 2006b). For a new consumer who is not familiar with the transactions in the net, the website is comprehensible. The site presents the pertinent data needed in purchasing products. When a consumer finds that online purchases are easily done, the benefits can be realized and ultimately become a regular online customer. The Role of the Employees in the Organisation employs around 9,000 people covering the total workforce of all the branches worldwide. The company is divided into different organisational units and this includes the corporate offices, the fulfilment centres, the customer

Monday, November 18, 2019

Employee Contribution and Wellbeing Dissertation

Employee Contribution and Wellbeing - Dissertation Example Many descriptions of â€Å"motivation† abound. One acceptable definition of motivation was postulated by Dr. Stephen Robbins. According to the Doctor, motivation is the process behind an individual’s direction, persistence, intensity, and effort towards the attainment of an objective or goal (Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995). Generally, though, motivation may be described as any factor that causes an increase in a person’s normal input with the hope and knowledge that a reward will follow (the input). One of the most important aspects of any organization is productivity. Motivation plays a big role in how people perform at their workplaces. Kreitner, 1995 defines motivation as the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. Motivation may also be defined as the predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs ((Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995) Motivation Theories According to Changing (2009) motivated employees are vital for the success of rapidly changing organizations. Motivated employees help organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive†. This means that to be effective, employers need to know what exactly motivates employees in their jobs. Content Theories of Motivation In an attempt to explain the various factors that motivate people, a number of researchers have postulated motivational theories. Content theories of motivation as some of these are commonly referred to include those associated with ERG, McGregor, McClelland, and Herzberg. Content theories explain fundamentally the reason humans keep changing in terms of their needs over time. Content theories, therefore, focus on the specific factors that lead to people’s motivation. The main idea or logic behind these theories is the fact that individuals need should be considered for them to be satisfied. This in effect means that if the individual’s specific needs are not satisfied or met, he/she will probably not be motivated enough to achieve objectives and goals. The following section describes the four main content theories.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Literature and communities

Literature and communities Literature can help people to get a real in depth view of life through someone elses shoes. You can almost get lost into another world while reading a book. No matter if that world is fiction or non-fiction, it can take the reader to an unfamiliar place and make them feel comfortable in that space. A person can take something away from what they have read in some form of literature and put it to use into their communities. Something as simple as a feeling, viewpoint, or even a new perspective, can bring a new knowledge on the whole outlook of something. Literature can help to add culture to a readers life. Anytime a person adds culture to their life, they would have a positive affect on our society because they have been enriched with literature. Everyone has different points of view that they wish to express in life, regardless of the theme. Everyone also has different opinions as with literature. Each individual that reads a poem or a story is affected by it differently. However, t he common ground for literature and the community and every person that reads it is this: we all must start at the beginning before we get to the last page or line from a poem. Every community has been affected by literature since the beginning of time. At first, many people did not have the pleasures of being able to read and write and therefore could not appreciate literature. But once they were taught how to read, interests in reading became popular through many communities. Communities are affected by historical stories, autobiographies, fiction, non-fiction, and even poetry told by authors. It is somewhat like a domino effect that has been happening for many years and it will continue to grow and affect those in the future. The readings from this pasts week even show how communities are affected by literature. My first example is in the â€Å"The Prodigal Son† by Luke, (cited in DiYanni, 2007, page 27) is two sons and their father. One son works by his fathers side without complaining. The other son, however, asks for his inheritance as soon as he is old enough to speak with his father about it. The father in this story does as per his sons request and sells his half of the land and gives the money to his son. That son wastefully spends all of his fortune and loses all of his friends when the money is gone. He ends up homeless and becomes very desperate until he realizes that he will go home and ask his father to become one of his servants. The servants were not as poor and desperate as he was becoming. Naturally his father was so delighted by having his son come home that he holds a feast in honor of the son returning. Then the other son complains to his father about being loyal while the other son did not remain loyal. The father answers his sons complaint with a great explanation: â€Å"son thou art ever with me and all that I have is thinefor this thy brother was dead and is alive again: and was lost and is now found† (cited in DiYanni, 2007, page 28). The father was simply saying that what is his is theirs and he was thankful that his son learned his life lesson. This story affects the community because it gives people a sense of hope when there is despair. Even when people can bring on their own problems by selfish acts, faith, hope, and love can help people get through the toughest of times. I feel that this story has a very prominent part of the religious community. A person can still receive forgiveness in spite of the fact of the thing they may have done wrong. I most certainly can relate to this story because I have know that I have hurt my mother time and time again, but no matter how big and ridiculous my mistakes have been, she is always there to help and guide me. That is why I feel that if I am impacted by this story that my community is also. Another story from this weeks readings showing the relationship of how the community is affected by literature is â€Å"AP† by John Updike (cited in DiYanni, 2007, page 32). This story is about a young man that is employed by the same supermarket chain as in the title. He tries to suffer for three girls in hopes that they will notice him but they do not exactly give him the time of day. There are these three girls that go shopping in the store, but they are wearing nothing but bikinis. Being that they are inappropriately dressed, the store manager asks them to come into the store having their shoulders covered next time. The young man ends up quitting his job in the hopes of catching the girls attention. I believe that he wanted to be viewed as the hero for standing up for them; even though, the girls were in the wrong for coming into a store dressed that way in the first place (cited in DiYanni, 2007, 36). This story affects the community because there can be different ways t hat this sort of story can be viewed, and we could all learn from this sort of storyline. A person can take something away from what they have read in some form of literature and put it to use into their communities for the future. That something can be as simple as a feeling, viewpoint, or even a new perspective, that can bring a new knowledge on the whole outlook of something. A person with culture added to their life, has a positive affect on our society because they have been enriched with literature. Each individual that reads a poem or a story is affected by it differently. However, the common ground for literature and the community and every person that reads it is this: we all must start at the beginning before we get to the last page or line from a poem. This knowledge is something that stays with a person forever; not only here, but in every community. References: Di Yanni, R. (2007). Literature: reading fiction, poetry, and drama. NewYork: McGrawHill Publishing, Inc.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Restriction Enzyme Analysis :: Papers

Restriction Enzyme Analysis Research question: Using only the information from these experiments calculate the number and size of the fragments that would be made using BAMH1 restriction enzyme, and calculate the migration distances of the various fragments. Restriction enzyme used Base pairing fragments Distance Travelled (cm)* Log of base pairs* Example My Group ECO R1 (6 fragments) 21226 7421 5804 5643 4878 3530 1.4 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.9 - 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.3 - - 4.3 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.5 HIND III (7 fragments) 23130 9416 6682 4361 2322 2027 564 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.5 3.7 5.8 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.3 2.9 3.1 - 4.4 4.0 3.8 3.6 3.4 3.3 2.8 Predicted figures from my graph BAM H1 (6 fragments) 16842 7233 6770 6527 5626 5504 1.3 2.2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.8 4.2 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.7 Results *All figures in table are to 2s.f. I chose to calculate the log of the base pairs because the numbers vary significantly, making it difficult to plot on a graph. By doing this you can put the values into perspective for easy comparison. I will only use the example on my graph, as my results are unclear and inaccurate. I measured the distance from the edge of the gel, where the well ended to the centre of each fragment.