Thursday, September 3, 2020

Testing Issues in Java Technology

Testing Issues in Java Technology Presentation: Programming testing is the strategy for looking at programming, to affirm that it fulfill its necessities and to recognize mistakes. Programming testing is a trial assessment which is led to bear the cost of partners with data about the nature of the item or administration under test, regarding the setting where it is proposed to work. Testing can never totally set up the precision of program. As another option, it gives an examination or a relationship that contrasts and the state or conduct of the item against a particular. Over its endurance, program has supported to develop in convolution and measurement. Testing in the realm of Java innovation proposes numerous particular and disparate difficulties. Todays Java engineers are confronted with numerous stages, yet additionally the adaptability issues like restricted memory, nonstandard info, arrange traffic contemplations which are experienced with an expanding cluster of Java innovation based computational devicesâ€from Java Ri ngs, to phones, to set-top boxes. As a result of managing a wide range of stages, and various kinds of gadgets the tests are written in the Java programming language. A programmed programming testing is a product work which is utilized to validate that a specific unit of source codes is running true to form. Programming testing can be composed as: Unit Tests; Joining Tests; or Acknowledgment Tests. The report likewise gives a diagram of the job of these advancements in Java testing. ( Joining Testing: Joining tests is utilized to test reconciliation of a few classes as against to testing classes in segregation. For the most part in J2EE conditions like Web or EJB holder gives an increasingly significant usefulness, consequently incorporation testing must be led in a compartment. This would test association across various application levels like access to database, EJBs and furthermore different assets. Incorporation test is once in a while done by Programmers yet not as much of the time as unit test. Acknowledgment Tests: Acknowledgment Test is clarified as the gathering of tests which ensure the agreement between the application API and end client. These tests are accomplished for the finished and sent application. It is utilized to check each utilization case in which the application is bolstered. It gives less test inclusion and it is fundamental in testing combination of use levels, for example, holders and web servers. These tests are finished by Quality Assurance analyzers and not by engineers as test works on outer Application Programming Interfaces. Unit Tests Checking of the Developed Project, Programmers compose unit tests to confirm their own code. Unit testing change from coordination testing, which functions admirably together, and acknowledgment testing, works as per the clients necessities. Unit testing is the trying system which is utilized to test a solitary unit of code. On account of Java, a unit testing that every now and again associates with a particular class. A unit test is completely programmed, non intelligent, and double ie, it besides succeeds or be fruitless. By executing the code and checking the yield isn't a trying. Neither as opposed to composing a little â€Å"test driver† that neither drives the code nor permits checking logs to check whether its working accurately. Unit testing is the code which is composed, as something worth being thankful for since it prompts more excellent code, higher profitability, and lower upkeep with great development costs. The accompanying report will break down different Unit Testing advances like JUnit, TestNG and JTiger. ( JUnit: JUnit is a unit testing strategy which is straightforward and open source outline work for relapse testing discharged by IBM under normal permit rendition 5.0 and to compose and run repeatable tests on the Java programming language it was facilitated on the source forge.Junit is a case of Xunit design which was utilized for unit testing system , XUnit was created by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. Information and Experience picked up with JUnit is very utilize full in creating test driven application advancement, and because of this information on JUnit is being used in test driven turn of events. JUnit is additionally ported to other programming dialects like PHP, C#,python, Fortran, Perl,and C++. It is utilized as PHPUnit in PHP, Nunit in C#, PyUnit in Python , fUnit in Fortran , Test::Class and Test::Unitin Perl and CPPUnit in C++ . This unit testing structures family is all in all reffered as XUnit. Presently as of late because of the advancement of new customer structures like AJAX, Junit has likewise been created for use in java content as JSUnit.Junit improves the nature of code and speeds up programming. ( Junit Features include: Programming interface for Easily making Java experiments Affirmations for testing expected outcomes confirm expected versus real outcome Test apparatuses to share test information ordinarily Test sprinters to run tests For discussions and mailing records. Conglomerating tests (suites) Junit Mechanics: Characterize a subclass of TestCase. Supersede the setUp() tearDown()methods. Characterize at least one open testXXX()methods Exercise the object(s) under test. Declares the normal outcomes. Characterize a static suite() processing plant technique Make a TestSuite containing all the tests. Alternatively characterize fundamental() to run the TestCase in clump mode. JUnit Extensions: JUnitReport - Apache Ant augmentation task - Uses XML and XSLT to produce HTML Prickly plant - Simple unit testing system for server side Java coding JWebUnit - Framework for making acknowledgment testing for electronic applications XMLUnit Gives a XMLTestCase class which empowers attestations to be made about the Substance and structure of XML MockObject twofold operator used to test the conduct of different articles Sham item which impersonates the outside conduct of a genuine execution sees how different articles communicate with its techniques and contrasts real conduct and preset desires StrutsTestCase testing code dependent on the Struts system ( TestNG: TestNG is a comment driven Java unit testing system enlivened by JUnit and NUnit which plans to conquer numerous impediments of JUnit. TestNG isnt just extremely incredible, inventive, extensible, and adaptable; it additionally outlines a fascinating use of Java Annotations, an extraordinary new component in JDK 5.0. TestNG is planned in such away that it covers all classes in testing like:â unit, practical, start to finish, incorporation, etc( TestNG Features include: Explanations; no obligatory naming examples for test techniques or broadening classes Likewise Supports Java doc explanations for Java 1.4 Incredible test-installation set-up and tear-down choices JDK 5 Annotations JDK 1.4 additionally underpins JavaDoc explanations. Test arrangement is adaptable. Information driven testing bolster utilizing @Data Provider. Boundaries support. Dissemination of tests in slave frameworks is permitted. Execution model is a lot of Powerful no need of Test Suite. It is upheld many modules and assortment of devices like Eclipse, Maven, IDEA, and so on. By Embedding with Bean Shell improves adaptability. JDK capacities are accessible as a matter of course for logging and runtime. Strategies for testing of use server. TestNG Mechanics: Compose the business rationale of the test and addition TestNG comments in the code. Includes informations about the test in testng.xml record or in a build.xml (eg. class name and so forth). Execute TestNG. JTiger: JTiger is a system for unit testing and has devices for Java 2 Platform. It gives helpful reflection for composing unit experiments and installations. Functionalities gave by JTiger is generally wanted in unit testing of virtual products. By and large Test-Driven Development is energized by JTiger advancement, however it isn't required, and any unit testing method in programming improvement is adequate. Numerous highlights of Java Programming Language 1.5 is vigorously utilized by JTiger like Generics, variable contention records, comments, and so forth,. JTiger additionally urges clients to do documentation of unit experiments and apparatuses to give a powerful and simple keep up relapse outfit and unit test. Distributed and archived API is given by JTiger outline work if there is a requirement for expanding the usefulness. The capacity to run the experiments composed by utilizing JUint system is a genuine case of expanding JTiger structure. As a piece of JTiger system JUnit module execution classes are incorporated. ( JTiger Features include: JTiger bends over backward to guarantee a strong unit test tackle by giving a rich arrangement of instruments, and a dependable, usable structure on which to create unit experiments. JTiger is an execution that depends on upgrades in programming improvement strategies, for example, eXtreme Programming (XP), which have developed since their origin. JTiger has been actualized utilizing similar strategies that it energizes, explicitly, Test Driven Development. JTiger incorporates its own unit test and relapse outfit with 100% strategy inclusion. This guides in new or adjusted prerequisites for JTiger that emerge in the unanticipated future. The JTiger source code base has been intended to guarantee unquestionably the most extreme conceivable measure of decoupling of segments and embodiment to such an extent that future upgrades won't negatively affect future forms on JTiger. ( JTiger System Requirements: JTiger necessitates that tests are executed utilizing a Java Virtual Machine variant 1.5 or higher. This doesn't imply that the code under test must be composed utilizing Java 1.5 language highlights. The product under test may focus on any JVM form, for example, 1.2, 1.3 or 1.4. It is simply the trial that must execute under a JVM variant 1.5. JTiger is equipped for executing experiments that have been composed utilizing the JUnit test system. JTiger Extensions: JTiger future improvement is being I

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Discovery of Fire in the Early Stone Age

The Discovery of Fire in the Early Stone Age The revelation of fire, or, all the more unequivocally, the controlled utilization of fire, was one of mankinds first extraordinary developments. Fire permits us to create light and warmth, to cook plants and creatures, to clear timberlands for planting, to warm treat stone for making stone devices, to fend predator creatures off, and to consume mud for artistic articles. It has social purposes also. Flames fill in as social affair places, as reference points for those away from camp, and as spaces for uncommon exercises. The Progress of Fire Control The human control of fire likely required the psychological capacity to conceptualize fire, which itself has been perceived in chimpanzees; incredible gorillas have been known to incline toward their nourishments cooked. The way that experimentation with fire happened during the beginning of mankind should not shock anyone. Paleontologist J.A.J. Gowlett offers this general diagram for the improvement of fire use:â opportunistic utilization of fire from common events (lightning strikes, meteor impacts, etc);â limited protection of flames lit by characteristic events; utilization of creature compost or other moderate consuming substances to keep up flames in wet or cold seasons; and finally,â kindled fire. Early Evidence The controlled utilization of fire was likely an innovation of our predecessor Homo erectus during the Early Stone Age (or Lower Paleolithic). The most punctual proof of fire related with humansâ comes from Oldowan primate destinations in the Lake Turkana locale of Kenya. The site of Koobi Fora contained oxidized patches of earth to a profundity of a few centimeters, which a few researchers decipher as proof of fire control. The Australopithecine site of Chesowanja in focal Kenya (about 1.4 million years of age) likewise contained consumed dirt clastsâ in little regions. Other Lower Paleolithic locales in Africa that contain conceivable proof of fire incorporate Gadeb in Ethiopia (consumed rock), and Swartkrans (consumed bones) and Wonderwerk Cave (consumed debris and bone pieces), both in South Africa. The most punctual proof for controlled utilization of fire outside of Africa is at the Lower Paleolithic site of Gesher Benot Yaaqov in Israel, where scorched wood and seeds were recuperated from a site dated 790,000 years of age. Other proof has been found at Zhoukoudian, a Lower Paleolithic site in China, Beeches Pit in the U.K., and Qesem Cave in Israel. An Ongoing Discussion Archeologists inspected the accessible information for European locales and inferred that ongoing utilization of fire wasnt part of the set-up of human practices until around 300,000 to 400,000 years prior. They accept that the previous locales are illustrative of theâ opportunistic utilization of characteristic flames. Terrence Twomey distributed an exhaustive conversation of the early proof for theâ human control of fire at 400,000 to 800,000 years prior. Twomey accepts that there is no immediate proof for local flames somewhere in the range of 400,000 and 700,000 years back, yet he accepts that other, circuitous proof backings the thought of the controlled utilization of fire. Backhanded Evidence Twomeys contention depends on a few lines of roundabout proof. To start with, he refers to the metabolic requests of moderately huge brained Middle Pleistocene tracker gatherersâ and recommends that cerebrum development required prepared food. Further, he contends that our particular rest designs (keeping awake after dim) are profoundly established and that primates started remaining in occasionally or for all time cool places by 800,000 years back. The entirety of this, says Twomey, suggests successful control of fire. Gowlett and Richard Wrangham contend that another bit of circuitous proof for the early utilization of fire is that our progenitors Homoâ erectus developed littler mouths, teeth, and stomach related frameworks, in striking complexity to prior primates. The advantages of having a littler gut couldn't be acknowledged until great nourishments were accessible throughout the entire year. The selection of cooking, which mollifies food and makes it simpler to process, could have prompted these changes. Hearth Fire Construction A hearth is a purposely built chimney. The most punctual models were made by gathering stones to contain the flames, or basically by reusing a similar area over and over and permitting the debris from past flames to collect. Hearths from the Middle Paleolithic time frame (around 200,000 to 40,000 years prior) have been found at destinations, for example, the Klasies River Caves in South Africa, Tabun Cave in Israel, and Bolomor Cave in Spain. Earth stoves, then again, are hearths with banked and some of the time domed structures worked of dirt. These kinds of hearths were first utilized during the Upper Paleolithic time frame for cooking and warming and some of the time for consuming earth puppets. The Gravettian Dolni Vestonice site in the cutting edge Czech Republic has proof of oven development, despite the fact that development subtleties didn't endure. The best data on Upper Paleolithic ovens is from the Aurignacian stores of Klisoura Caveâ in Greece. Fills Relict wood was likely the fuel utilized for the soonest fires. Deliberate choice of wood came later: hardwood, for example, oak consumes uniquely in contrast to softwood, for example, pine, since the dampness substance and thickness of a wood all influence how hot or long it will consume. In places where wood was not accessible, elective energizes, for example, peat, cut turf, creature waste, creature bone, ocean growth, and straw were utilized to construct fires. Creature manure was likely not reliably utilized until after creature domesticationâ led to the keeping of animals, around 10,000 years prior. Sources Attwell L., Kovarovic K., and Kendal J.R. Fire in the Plio-Pleistocene: The Functions of Hominin Fire Use, and the Mechanistic, Developmental and Evolutionary Consequences. Diary of Anthropological Sciences, 2015.Bentsen S.E. Utilizing Pyrotechnology: Fire-Related Features and Activities With a Focus on the African Middle Stone Age. Diary of Archeological Research, 2014.Gowlett J.A.J. The Discovery of Fire by Humans: A Long and Convoluted Process. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2016.Gowlett J.A.J., and Wrangham R.W. Most punctual Fire in Africa: Towards the Convergence of Archeological Evidence and the Cooking Hypothesis. Azania: Archeological Research in Africa, 2013.Stahlschmidt M.C., Miller C.E., Ligouis B., Hambach U., Goldberg P., Berna F., Richter D., Urban B., Serangeli J., and Conard N.J. On the Evidence for Human Use and Control of Fire at Schã ¶ningen. Diary of Human Evolution, 2015.Twomey T. The Cognitive Implications of Controlled Fire Use by Early Humans. Cambridge Archeological Journal, 2013.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Project Management for Water Treatment Plant- myassignmenthelp

Question: Examine about theProject Management for Water Treatment Plant. Answer: Presentation The task the board is a significant point for the organizations on the planet. There are different ventures that are experiencing or being done by different organizations on the planet. One of the tasks has been talked about in this report. The undertaking is identified with water treatment plant in America. The Liberty water treatment plant has won the best venture grant of the year. This report talks about the methodologies utilized in the task the executives. The portfolio the board of the task has been talked about in the report. The supportability measures for the business dynamic procedure has been engaged in the report. The social value, financial effectiveness and ecological execution has been examined in the report. The report diagrams the chances and dangers for the portfolio the executives procedure. There are different instruments and procedures examined in the report for relieving the dangers all the while. There are three pieces of the report talked about successively. The last conversation about the report has been given to the official administration. Situational Context In this unique circumstance, the Liberty water treatment plant has been taken as the undertaking. The venture depended on wastewater treatment and was the principal configuration worked to get the State Revolving Fund (SRF) financing (Kerzner, 2013). It is the biggest framework made on the state and earned an Honor Award for Civil Infrastructure. The undertaking has been a gigantic accomplishment for the organization and ready to help the general public by overseeing wastewater in the state. The Liberty Company has different undertakings under this venture identified with the clean division. The Utilities Department of the city has been answerable for the activity and support of the crude water conveyance framework and giving crisp drinking water to the places of the state. The crowd for the undertaking has been neighborhood individuals of the state and design is to giving new water to them. The task has given different advantages to the nearby individuals of the Liberty City. The SR F advance has spared citizens over the life of the credit. The organization has in excess of 177 miles of sterile pipeline (Burke, 2013). It is prescribed to the organization for getting to cutting edge innovation to coordinate the framework in the water squander the board in the task. The utilization of the cutting edge innovation for the sewage arrangement of the organization may be upgraded in the city. The conveyance of the new water must be appropriately kept up. The correspondence of the venture supervisor with the colleagues of the undertaking should be clear and compact. This may help in keeping up legitimate comprehension with the colleagues in the venture. The need rundown of the task should be appropriately kept up and completed inside cutoff time. The time the board of the undertaking must be appropriately overseen by the venture director. Usage of Portfolio Management The point of the portfolio the executives is to gather diverse security resources into arrangement of the organization. The goals of the organization are surveyed with the assistance of portfolio the board. For this situation, the Liberty Water treatment plant has three significant strides in their portfolio including resource designation, moving in apportioned assets and security issues in assets. As indicated by the above conversation, the venture has been an immense case in the market. The Liberty Project has helped a huge number of individuals in the Liberty City. The conveyance of the new water to the area of the city has been improved from before. The venture has helped in keeping up the wastewater of the city in a manner. The treatment of the wastewater has been an incredible achievement in the Liberty City (Larson Gray, 2013). The calendar for the task has been the principle purpose behind its prosperity. The need of the errands as indicated by its significance and cutoff tim e has been appropriately overseen by the task administrator. The task administrator have concentrated on different exercises of the undertaking inside time. The registration list have helped in keeping up the rundown of errands of the task. As indicated by different understudies survey, the correspondence with the undertaking director is a significant factor that has been the reason for the achievement of the task (Hill, 2013). A both route correspondence between the venture supervisor and colleagues have helped in giving away from to the idea of the undertaking. An appropriate conversation with the colleagues have helped in keeping up a decent connection with the colleagues and understanding the emotions and contemplations of colleagues (Schwalbe, 2015). Then again, another understudy depicts that the utilization of the correspondence may be dubious in nature. The colleagues can keep up their work with no association with the task supervisor. Nonetheless, this very hard for the colleagues. The utilization of the vital plans has helped in giving appropriate administration to the venture. An appropriate undertaking arranging helps in keeping up every phase of the task. The task chief, alongside the colleagues need to design the venture timetable for finishing the undertaking. The strategy for taking note of down the significant focuses identified with the task is a vital propensity for the undertaking director. There may be a situation when any significant thing probably won't be recollected. This can make misfortune the venture. Accordingly, noticing down significant focuses in a decent propensity for a venture director (Fleming Koppelman, 2016). In any case, different understudies contended that the utilization of composing notes may be time taking. The administrator needs to recall the things and execute them right away. This may help in sparing time in the undertaking plan. Be that as it may, this progression may be a high hazard factor (Heldman, 2015). The undertaking associated with the venture must be overseen inside time. This aides in keeping up the time and timetable of the undertaking. The colleagues need to finish their undertaking insi de the cutoff time. This assistance in finishing diverse errand inside time. Different understudies have depicted about the time the executives in regards to the culmination of the undertaking inside the cutoff time (Walker, 2015). The time the executives nature of the task supervisor helps in enabling other colleagues of the undertaking. The administrative work and documentation of the entire undertaking is required for having a proof of the finished errand and fulfillment inside cutoff time. The reason for the task is additionally written in the documentation of the undertaking. There are different sub-extends under the Liberty water treatment plant. Along these lines, monitoring all the sub-ventures must be appropriately kept up. This aides in giving an away from of different parts of the tasks (Leach, 2014). The colleagues can keep up their work with no cooperation with the venture chief. Nonetheless, this very hard for the colleagues. The administrative work of the task incorporates the budgetary report and financial plan of the undertaking. A legitimate utilization of the spending arranging in the venture helps in utilizing assets shrewdly. The financial plan of the undertaking assumes a significant job in the accomplishment of the venture in the organization. A low spending venture can't utilize cutting edge innovation in the undertaking because of terrible monetary condition. Last Report As per the above conversation about the Liberty venture, a general thought regarding the task the board has been gotten. The utilization of trend setting innovation in the task possess helped in keeping up the energy for finishing of the undertakings. There are different instruments and methods of the undertaking the executives has been portrayed beneath: Hazard Management The hazard the executives in the venture assumes a significant job in recognizing the dangers and dangers associated with the task and actualizing venture the executives procedure. The utilization of the hazard the board device helps in breaking down dangers and dangers engaged with the undertaking (Meng, 2012). There are different dangers associated with a task including social factor, ecological components and specialized variables. In this manner, hazard the executives helps in dealing with the dangers and make methodologies for limiting the dangers and dangers in the task. Work Breakdown Structure The Work Breakdown Structure of an undertaking helps in separating enormous assignments into little errands. The little assignments are anything but difficult to oversee and can be finished without any problem. The work breakdown structure helps in giving expectations of the undertakings (Mir Pinnington, 2014). It gives a progressive structure of the undertakings in the task. The WBS helps in giving exact and coherent information to the accomplishment of the task. It likewise helps in showing the achievements, cost and danger of the undertaking. Gantt graph The Gantt graph is utilized to delineate timetable of the task. The Gantt graph can be made utilizing different programming including Microsoft Excel. The task supervisor helps in making the Gantt graph for the undertaking. The cutoff time of different assignments are noted in the Gantt diagram in a chart design (Hwang Ng, 2013). This aides in comprehension and organizing the errand as indicated by their cutoff times. Score Cards Different scorecards are utilized by the undertaking supervisor during the task the board. These score cards encourages in giving criticism to the colleagues as indicated by their exhibition in the venture. A decent presentation of a colleague helps in expanding the scorecard. As indicated by me, a venture administrator is the fundamental piece of the undertaking the executives. The venture administrator screens, controls and assesses the movement of the undertaking and execution of the workers and colleagues of the task (Kerzner, 2017). The utilization of the apparatuses and methods helps in limiting the intricacy of the undertaking. The venture the executives apparatuses helps in keeping up the advancement of the undertaking in the organization. On account of the Liberty Water Treatment plant, the venture has been fruitful because of legitimate portion of the task the board procedure. Then again, Turner, (2016) contended that the utilization of the task the board instruments may be time taking an

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Starting a Business Online Essay (Part 2) - 275 Words

Starting a Business Online Essay (Part 2) (Essay Sample) Content: Starting a business online, part 2Students NameUniversity AffiliationSection 1 After starting my online business, if one can offer to give me $ 1,000 for my domain, there are numerous reasons for rejection. To start with, initiating a business online means that one must have a vision and unique products and services to offer. Having started the business, an attachment is established with clients, leading to a great desire to serve them, satisfy their needs and achieve personal and business goals. If a domain is sold at that point, the new owner may not have a similar vision or expertise required for provision of certain services. In that respect, clients may be greatly disappointed. In other words, if the new owner fails to perform, then I would have betrayed client trust. Ethical dilemma, which might exist in such a situation, is that selling the domain may lead to betrayal of client trust. In that case, core principles of ethics would have been breached. Clients ma y end up suffering and opting for other less satisfying options because I chose short-term financial gain over their needs. Conversely, I might refuse to sell the domain and in the end, fail to achieve client expectations. In case the new bidder has a vast experience in the sector and new products and services, then it would be ethical to sell the domain because clients will be more satisfied. Some individuals are naturally gifted with ability to come up with new philosophies and stratagems for enhancing business sustainability. In case the bidder proves beyond reasonable doubts that clients would have a better experience, and still the bid is rejected then such actions may be deemed unethical. Section 2 Special features, such as shopping cart capabilities, catalog display and transaction processing are some of the features that fulfill the joy of online consumers. The special features work simultaneously to enhance achievement of business goals. Besides, the features also provide i ndividual benefits to a business entity. A catalog display is instrumental to a business because it provides vital information to clients. Apart from providing a list of products and services, a catalog also provides prices, offers, bonuses, and terms and conditions. A catalog display assists the client to make decisions making the business to operate smoothly. Use of catalog display saves a business huge funds that could be used to employ staff for handling customer requests on price quotations (Holden, 2010). Shopping cart capabilities assist in facilitating selection of preferred items by clients. With the feature, clients are able to shop online just like in physical environment. The feature is useful for business because it will gain a competitive edge over physical locations. Clients can shop at the coziness of their homes, offices or abroad and have their items delivered at specific locations without great effort. With shopping cart capabilities, clients can easily organize their budget, leading to limited chances of misunderstanding. In other words, business sustainability can be assured if smooth operation is ensured. Transaction processing helps a business to achieve its ultimate goal. Without a means of financing, business will not be possible. A transaction-processing feature enables the business to seal their agreement with customers by exchanging financial equivalent with products or services. With a transaction-processing feature, the business can convince clienteles from all corners of the world that they are serious and willing to supply what is provided in catalog display. Ideally, the feature joins the business to a vast network of clientele from all corners of the world and makes the business partly viable. Section3 Creating an effective web presence for an existing company has to be done according to core business objectives. An in-depth assessment is required before finally implementing any plan. Before setting out, one has to analyze the market to access information concerning competitors, consumer preference, prices and best strategies for entering the market. Then effective strategies would be formulated to aid in entering the new market. The strategies must integrate all information accessed during market assessment to avoid costly mistakes. If possible, professional advice can be sought from web marketing professionals. New ideas and historical information are also vital when planning and implementing web entry strategies. Website usability is paramount in enhancing successful marketing strategy. Thus, to improve usability effective communication should be used to attract and maintain clients. Website usability can be improved by brand recognition, which is only possible by adopting a multi-faceted marketing strategy (Holden, 2010). Target clientele can be informed of the new brand via social media presence, emailing information to clients accounts, posting attractive videos of products and purchasing ads f rom various sites. Tracking capabilities will help to provide information that could be used to assess current strategies and make new changes. Print advertisements can also assist to attract certain group of people to the new website. Many people decide to go online because they have an area of interest. Thus, having information in print can encourage many people to consider the new website as their favorite location. Section 4 An effective marketing strategy should begin with setting a brand name and image, which will make the business to be easily recognizable among competitors. Before going online, a business must study its competitors via ...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Homeschooling vs. Public School Essay - 1409 Words

Homeschooling vs. Public School Homeschooling vs. public school has been a public debate for quite a while now. Some parents choose homeschooling because of the protection their child gains and some choose public education because of the atmosphere. Most would claim that public schools aren’t teaching, less trying to create a religious fringe. However; both provide your child education but there are many advantages and disadvantages for both. When a child is homeschooled, parents naturally take a greater interest in their child’s progress and they have a better oversight of grades. A student that’s attending home school can work at their own pace without feeling rushed to complete assignments and the test†¦show more content†¦Students who attend public school also tend to do better when they get to college. Even when the funding for school becomes difficult, public school offers more extracurricular activities and resources. There are several after schoo l programs available for children, his is another way that your child learn social skills by interacting. The number of students in a public school classroom provides opportunities that don’t exist in most home schools, from large-scale projects to team sports. One may offer a more controlled environment for your child, while the other may expose him or her to a world of things you could not possibly imagine. Homeschooling, while sometimes more fun, simply cannot be guaranteed to uphold the necessary educational standards. Public schools will always meet these standards. You may find it difficult to choose between the two. Making the right choice depends upon how your child learns, and what you won’t them to learn. Teachers are doing their jobs, society try to make it hard for teachers by cutting pay and not giving enough funding for materials, but they still seem to make a way to teach our children morals. Some teachers in public school even take time out to help som e of the children that they see are headed for a road of destruction. The difference are really plain as day, homeschooling cuts them off from society and public school bridges them with the society so they can be able to faceShow MoreRelatedHomeschooling vs. Public Schools1420 Words   |  6 PagesHomeschooling vs. Public Schools Emile Peponoulas - Why might parents choose to home school their children? Parents of 136 homeschooled elementary children completed questionnaires assessing constructs derived from the parental involvement literature and personal beliefs identified in the homeschooling literature as important to parents’ decisions to home school. Results suggest that home-schooling parents appear to be motivated by an active role construction, strong sense of efficacy forRead MoreThe Advantages Of Homeschooling Vs. 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However, they feel that homeschooling is a better option because it provides a safer environment for their children and more conduciveRead MoreEssay on The Disadvantages of Homeschooling vs Traditional Education1404 Words   |  6 Pagesdisadvantages of homeschooling? Homeschooling is an option of developing education at home rather than at schools where teachers give the lecture and take tests in order to be informed of the progress of the students. As Lisa Rivero, a professor of English literature at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, states, in her book The Homeschooling Option, homeschooling in the United States â€Å"as a modern movement began in the 1960s† (Rivero27). This is, after the concept of homeschooling spreads aroundRead MoreHomeschooling Problems1135 Words   |  5 Pages Homeschooling can cause extreme social issues. One of the major problems with homeschooling is socialization. But what does that even mean you ask? Socialization is basically the act of socializing, but it also means learning how to interpret and use a society’s norms. Most children dont have the opportunities to socialize with other kids. Homeschooled children have little to no socialization with groups of diverse children. Most of the homeschooled children that do get to socialize on a regularRead MoreHome School Vs. Public School1125 Words   |  5 PagesTommy Dimitratos Professor Dolnick English 102 20 July 2015 Home School vs. Public School School traditions in the United States are changing rapidly and nowadays many parents consider home education to be a more suitable option for their children. Though homeschooling was not popular in previous decades, it is now winning supporters back. Society gives attention to the problem of necessity of home school education. Many parents question what is best for their child’s education. Though supportersRead MoreIs Homeschooling A Education Of Your Children?1146 Words   |  5 PagesEvery school day my grade school aged kids need to get up at 6 am to begin their day. Emma and Natalia wake up, take showers, get dressed and then I make them breakfast. I then have to wake up their two year old sister, get her dressed and feed her. Our mornings are extremely chaotic and hurried. We are walkers so we need to have everybody in the car and out the door by 7:45 am and the bell rings for school by 8:05 am. How are our circumstances completely different from a family who homeschools their

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Epic Of Old Mali - 1252 Words

History often times never really comes from the proverbial horse’s mouth, but rather from written testimonies require translation, or verbal traditions passed down through generations. Both forms have their own strengths and weakness’. Oral histories are often influenced by culture, plus religious beliefs affect the way the history is told. Primary sources are often times influenced by the author’s own culture, as well as the motive they have for creating the record of the time. One I not better than the other. Rather, each can be used for different lenses of analysis into different periods of time and research. Oral histories may come in many forms. Music depicting a decade long war, or nighttime stories warning children from the animals of the night around them, as well as epics chronicling the rise of a great king. Sudiata: An Epic of Old Mali gives a glimpse into many aspects about the ideals, beliefs, values and culture of the people who originally told the story. Concerning the values of Mali, the characteristics the teller’s portray for their king are telling about what is considered necessary qualities for a good king and warrior. Sundiata was born crippled, unable to walk, but showed incredible strength in his arms early in life, a sign for the strength he would grow into later. He also demonstrates enormous skill and bravery in battle, qualities deemed ideal in a warrior. A good warrior is not the only characteristic seen as definitive for Sundiata, but also aShow MoreRelatedsundiata an epic of old mali816 Words   |  4 PagesAmongst many other things, the epic is implicit ly an exploration of what qualities define Sundiata as a hero, and by extension, what virtues are heroic. The most glaring is his strength. Even when he is crippled as a child and cannot walk, the boy has strong arms. But when he finally stands, he surprises everyone, bending an enormous rod to a bow and pulling a tree up by its roots. Another quality is his bravery, most clearly illuminated by his skill and grit in battle. But Sundiata has more thanRead MoreAnalysis Of The Epic Of Old Mali972 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis An Epic of Old Mali Sundiata: an Epic of Old Mali was written by D.T. Niane and translated by G.C. Pickett. D.T. Niane was a historian who received this version of Sundiata’s epic from Djeli Mamoudou Kouyatà ©, a griot. In fact, there is not a true author for this epic due to the fact that it has been transmitted orally for many years. This epic justly showed the type of culture Africa had at the time taken place and has defined the type of people who use to reside there. Sundiata: an Epic of OldRead MoreSundiat An Epic Of Old Mali1472 Words   |  6 PagesIn the story of â€Å"Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali,† the male king, as always is the dominant figure. Maghan Kon Fatta, was a Mandinka king who received a divine hunter at his court. The hunter predicted that if he married an ugly woman she would give him a son who would be a mighty king one day. He had three wives and six children, three of which were boys and three were girls, one of his sons was going to take his spot on the thron e. Women always seem unequal to men and basically live under aRead MoreThe Odyssey And Sundiat An Epic Of Old Mali1328 Words   |  6 Pagesusually inevitable or irresistible, course of events. (Google). Finally A journey is defined as an act of traveling from one place to another. (Google). While analyzing these two great epics I came across many similarities between the two main characters. In both epics The Odyssey and Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Odysseus and Sundiata embark on destined heroic conquest to fulfill their destiny. All throughout the two main characters quest, they encounter obstacles, and foes they must overcome inRead More Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Essay1013 Words   |  5 PagesSundiata, in D.T. Nianes book Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali. This book has become an entertaining, yet scrutinized, source about the history of Mali and its surrounding areas. Much scrutiny of this tale comes from those who question the validity of the griots, though Mamadou Kouyate is quick to point out that [His] word is pure and free of all untruth; it is the word of [his] father...griots do not know what lying is (Niane 1). If the context of the epic is true, then there are many valuable thingsRead MoreSundiata: an Epic of Old Mali Essay858 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Sundiata: an Epic of Old Mali†: A Character Analysis of Sundiata. Sundiata is an oral epic passed from griot to griot. D.T. Niane’s Sundiata contains many powerful characters. Throughout the story Niane uses the strength and weaknesses of his characters to show the importance of destiny and fate. The character that holds his name to the story, Sundiata, is the son of King Maghan Kon Katta and the â€Å"buffalo† woman. Sundiata was prophesized to be a great leader and to save the people of Mali. SundiataRead MoreSundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Vs. The Odyssey971 Words   |  4 PagesSundiata: An Epic of Old Mali Vs. The Odyssey The definition of an epic hero can be defined as one who is triumphant in some manner that reflects the idea of his/her culture. â€Å"Heroes have always dominated mythology, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, history, and literature. No culture seems to lack tales of human, superhuman, or god-like heroes who save the innocent from the wicked, conquer evil, and deliver the threatened and oppressed† (Shunnaq). Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali and The Odyssey can beRead More Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali by Mamadou Kouyatà © 1068 Words   |  4 PagesSo in this book we are presented with an epic about a great King named Sundiata. We see that in those times griots were for the kings and for them to now were their ancestors came form so they know what it means to continue being a king. This book was brought from the words of a griot, so even in today’s society in Africa there are still griots around telling us stories and the epic such as the one we read in class this past week. Almost right into the book we see that a griot helps a king make discussionsRead MoreSundiata s The Mali Empire1524 Words   |  7 Pages Sundiata himself is the most significant contributor to the formation of the Mali empire, however, various women hold a background role that is vital to the series of occurring events that allow Sundiata to become the king of Mali and form the Mali empire. The buffalo woman, Sogolon, and Nana Triban are all female characters who allow Sundiata the ability to fulfil l his prophecy and become the king of Mali. Besides Sundiata himself, these women have some of the most important roles as comparedRead MoreDisneys the Lion King: Sundiata in Disguise?1691 Words   |  7 Pageswell as highlighted particular historical facts about a specific civilization. One distinct book that has met both of these general objectives is Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali. Throughout this story the author discusses the life of a young king, and illustrates unique facts about the ancient Mali society. In the process of reading this epic tale, it became clear that

Early Child Hood Education and Impact

Question: Discuss about the Early Child Hood Education and Impact. Answer: Introduction Education in the 21st Century has been said to among the four basic needs that are needed for a fulfilling life. Teachers have a great role to play in impacting knowledge on students. However alone they cannot achieve much success in this endeavor. This paper seeks to dress the roles of various stakeholders in enabling early childhood teachers to succeed in their work. Contact with Parents Parents play a significant role in facilitating learning and development of their young children. Parents who are involved in the learning of their young kids are able to extend the learning process beyond the classroom context by connecting what is learnt at school and what is done at home. This helps the kids to also develop the interest to learn in school. This makes my work as a teacher easier. Parents involvement also enhances high performance in children .Parents can for example mention the items in their kitchen one by one and request their children to repeat after them which enhances their mastery of concepts outside school (Essa, 2012). Contact with the Community Community support on learning plays a significant role education of the young members of the community .Its the community that determines the character of their schools. Community provides financial support to schools as well as volunteer services and school projects initiated to aid the learning process. By linking up with the community, I am able to acquire information and resources to facilitate the learning process for the young kids. Contacts with the community also enable me as a teacher to know the important values that need to be instilled on the young children (Deiner, 2013). Contact with other staff Teachers interact with their colleagues on daily basis .Such contacts are necessary for enhancing professionalism and providing the necessary support. Such contacts are good for making my teaching career more fulfilling. In early childhood for example, as a teacher I am faced with a number of challenges on how to handle different kinds of children, to handle this I require the guidance and support from other teachers . Therefore creating contacts with other staff members will enable me to consult on how to deal with different situations that i am likely to come across in the course of my career (Lipton Oakes, 2007). Contact with children The relationship that exists between children and their teacher can have profound impact on the learning process .Wile positive relationships especially with the young children can make it easy for them to learn. It enables teachers to learn more about the children and hence they are able improve their interactions with them because they understand them. Existence of supportive and positive relations among teachers and children makes them to learn faster and attain good grades than in cases where there are no good relationships (Hauser Rauch, 2006). References Deiner, P. L. (2013). Inclusive early childhood education: Development, resources, practice. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Essa, E. (2012). Introduction to early childhood education. Hauser, M.,Rauch, E. (2006). Learning from children: The life and legacy of Caroline Pratt. New York: Lang. Lipton, M., Oakes, J. (2007). Teaching to change the world. Boston, Mass: Mcgraw Hill.