Sunday, May 17, 2020

Homeschooling vs. Public School Essay - 1409 Words

Homeschooling vs. Public School Homeschooling vs. public school has been a public debate for quite a while now. Some parents choose homeschooling because of the protection their child gains and some choose public education because of the atmosphere. Most would claim that public schools aren’t teaching, less trying to create a religious fringe. However; both provide your child education but there are many advantages and disadvantages for both. When a child is homeschooled, parents naturally take a greater interest in their child’s progress and they have a better oversight of grades. A student that’s attending home school can work at their own pace without feeling rushed to complete assignments and the test†¦show more content†¦Students who attend public school also tend to do better when they get to college. Even when the funding for school becomes difficult, public school offers more extracurricular activities and resources. There are several after schoo l programs available for children, his is another way that your child learn social skills by interacting. The number of students in a public school classroom provides opportunities that don’t exist in most home schools, from large-scale projects to team sports. One may offer a more controlled environment for your child, while the other may expose him or her to a world of things you could not possibly imagine. Homeschooling, while sometimes more fun, simply cannot be guaranteed to uphold the necessary educational standards. Public schools will always meet these standards. You may find it difficult to choose between the two. Making the right choice depends upon how your child learns, and what you won’t them to learn. Teachers are doing their jobs, society try to make it hard for teachers by cutting pay and not giving enough funding for materials, but they still seem to make a way to teach our children morals. 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